Hello there Gentle Readers, so after my last little rant on Brexit quite a lot has happened.
I was planning to write about Scotland and Nicola (who?) Sturgeon. For those of you that don't know she is the First Minister of Scotland which on the global scheme makes her about as important as Donald Trump's 2nd favourite hairpiece.
Nicola and Velma. Seperated at Birth? |
I was going to explain that despite my total lack of trust in her or her party, the SNP, I am now fully behind the Independence of Scotland and its joining the European Union.
Instead I was a little bit side tracked when the Prime Minister, Mrs May, decided to call a UK general election for June 8th.
Teresa May. Dont you think she looks tired? |
As a British subject I must admit that this development left me speechless. I can understand why she did it. She needs a mandate from the UK electorate because the "people" didnt elect her.
She also needs to feel that her vision for Brexit is the right one and she set down a challenge to the opposition Labour party and the SNP in Scotland to offer their Brexit alternatives so that the British people could decide.
I was not able to vote in the Referendum on Brexit and I think you know how I would have voted. But this feels like Teresa May didnt trust the decision that the British people made in June 2016. I disagreed with the result but I have accepted it. Brexit must happen, there should not be any back tracking on the decision the people made.
By calling a general election now. Mrs May has in my view opened the door for political chaos in the UK. Her lack of trust in the British people astonishes me and I see a future Britain where all decisions are constantly second guessed and reconsidered until we cant actually remember how we voted in the first place.
I believe that all UK politicians no matter there political viewpoints need to suck it up, grow a pair and trust the voters cos if you lose the voters, we all lose.
#2017ukelection #brexit #suckitup #growaset #teresamay #nicolasturgeon