OK gentle reader, lets get back to the novel,
I hope you are enjoying it.
Lazarus heard steps coming up the stairs toward him from below. These were not the steps of a child however. These were the footsteps of men, two of them at least. He stood up beside the bed and took a deep breath.
The key turned in the lock and a fair haired, skinny man in his mid to late 30's, in a dark jacket and trousers entered the room. He was followed by a much older man who looked very official.
"Ahh, my patient" said the younger man.
He held out his hand to him and tentatively Lazarus took it. The man's palm was cool to the touch.
"My name is Alexander Metcalf and I am the village doctor. I must say I am glad you are awake sir. You had us all worried I must say.'
"Thank you for your concern sir, I appreciate your help."
The other man spoke, 'I am Mr. Spring and I act as constable for the village. Can you tell us who you are?"
"No I can't" Lazarus admitted, "I lost my memory after Waterloo and it has still not returned."
"Memory loss; is that possible Doctor?" the constable asked.
"Yes Constable, if the trauma to the head or body is very severe, it is very likely that the brain may have been affected."
"My memories are in there somewhere, but I cannot access them. I only see them in dreams or visions. The man who saved my life and nursed me back to health called me Lazarus. It's as good a name as any."
"Your friend had a sense of humour at least" the doctor said.
"Do you think this Lazarus is dangerous Doctor?" Spring asked.
"No, just a wounded soldier, Constable. I think we are safe in our beds."
The Constable turned back to Lazarus, "I'm sorry that I was so suspicious Mr Lazarus. My eldest son died at Talavera and any soldier of Wellington's army is welcome here."
"You have nothing to apologize for Constable. I would have been suspicious of me too."
"Can you tell us why you came to Stelling Minnis?" Spring asked Lazarus.
"I saw the name in a dream." Lazarus explained. "As I said, I see things in visions."
"Why were you at the churchyard?"
"As I said before, Mr Spring, I had a vision and the church and the Virgin Mary statue were part of it. I don't even know who the people are whose names are on the gravestone."
"The Foxworth's" said the doctor. 'Mrs Foxworth died when I was at Oxford doing my medical training. I never really knew her but my father did. He was the doctor here before me."
"Mr Foxworth died just a few months ago" Mr Spring added.
"Yes a terrible accident. He fell down the steps at the back of the house" the young doctor started, 'He had been drinking quite heavily and slipped. Broke his neck poor man."
"I just wish I could remember why they are so important."
"Give yourself time Lazarus" the doctor said. "Rest, relax and if Stelling Minnis is important to you; your memories will return."
Spring turned to the doctor, "If everything is well here, I need to return to my duties."
"Yes Mr Spring, I don't believe Mr Lazarus is dangerous, thank you for your assistance."
"Yes Constable" Lazarus said, "Thank you."
"Take care of yourself" the constable said and he left the room and shut the door behind him.
"How are you feeling? the doctor asked.
"Better thank you." Lazarus replied. He glanced to the window and saw again the house that had made him feel so strange.
"Tell me doctor, whose house is that?"
"That's the Foxworth house. George married into the family that owned the house before and when his wife's father died, he inherited the estate."
"I know the house but I have never seen it in a vision or dream."
"Don't worry about it now my friend." The doctor reassured him. "Maybe, if you are feeling better, you should put on some clean clothes and come downstairs and meet my wife."
He pointed to a dresser in the corner of the room.
"The clothes are old but they should fit you."
"Thank you again for your kindness Doctor Metcalf."
"Please, call me Alexander."
"Thank you Alexander."
The doctor turned and left the room, leaving Lazarus alone.
Lazarus sat back down on the bed and glanced out of the window towards the house in the trees. Although the doctor seemed friendly enough, he still couldn't trust anything anyone said. He was surrounded by people but he was completely alone.