Greetings Gentle Reader.
Riga, like most cities is made up of different neighbourhoods. Over the next few months, I want to tell you a bit about these neighbourhoods and give you some insight into the geography and history of this wonderful city.
First up: Mezaparks
Located in the north east of Riga, Mezaparks, or Forest Park, was created in the early 20th century on the shore of Lake Kisezers.
During WW2 it was the location of the Kaiserwald Concentration Camp and many Jews, gypsies, communists and opponents of Nazi rule were murdered in the woods.
Today Mezaparks is one of the wealthier suburbs of Riga has a great many Art Nouveau and newly built villas.
Mezaparks is also home to the Riga Zoo and there is also an amusement park that is a popular destination for Riga families during the summer. Every 5 years the park also hosts the Latvia Song and Dance Festival.
#riga #mezaparks #kaiserwald #rigazoo #latviansonganddancefestival
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