Hey Gentle Readers, Happy Earth Day.
For your mental delectation here is an Eco quiz for you.
Answer in the comments.
1. Which year was the first Earth Day?
a) 1960 b)1970 c) 1980
2. Who founded the first Earth Day in the US?
a) Gaylord Nelson b) Al Gore c) Amory Lovins
3. When did Margaret Thatcher first warn in a Royal Society speech about the dangers of global warming?
a) 1981 b) 1985 c) 1988
4. What level of warming do international negotiators regard as the threshold for dangerous climate change?
a) 1 C b) 2 C c)3 C
5. Which pair won a Nobel prize in 2007 for their efforts to tackle climate change?
a) Al Gore and Rajendra Pachauri
b) David Cameron and Rajendra Pachauri
c) Yvo de Boer AND Rajendra Pachauri
6. In which European city is a major UN climate summit being held in November and December this year?
a) Bonn b) Paris c) Geneva
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