Hello there Gentle readers. Today Dan Castellaneta, the voice of Homer Simpson turns 60. Here are my favourite to 10 Simpsons facts.
1. All the characters in the Simpsons have 4 fingers on each hand....except one....God.
2. D'oh is a real word in the Oxford English Dictionary.
3. in 1998, Bart Simpson was one of Time Magazines most influential people of the 20th century.
4. A child that was the same age as Bart when the 1st episode aired is now the same age as Homer.
5. The crew of the Simpsons sent flowers to the South Park crew when they took the mickey out of Family Guy.
6. Matt Groening's mum is called Marge Wiggum.
7. Homer is the only character to speak in every episode.
8. In one episode Homer stated that the universe is doughnut shaped. Some cosmologists agreed.
9. Milhouse's middle name is Mussolini.
10. Originally, Krusty the Klown was meant to be Homer's secret identity.
#thesimpsons #top10
Welcome to my Blog. My name is Neil and I have been living in Buckinghan, UK since the 11th September 2020. I lived in the Armenia, Latvia and China. I am a teacher of Geography, Global Perspectives and English. I am married to Lena who is my soulmate and best friend.We also have a little boy, Robert. As you can tell from the Blog's name I am Scottish although I was born in London. My Blog will be for sharing my thoughts on anything that takes my fancy. Please feel free to comment.
Sunday, 29 October 2017
Saturday, 28 October 2017
International Culture Day at CBIS
Hello Gentle reader, Friday was Citic Lake Bilingual International School's International Culture Day.
All the different grades from KG to Grade 9 had to find out about a different country and present a dance and make food associated with the country.
The countries included Italy (Roberts class), Russia (Lena's), Argentina, Switzerland, Kenya, Singapore, Fiji, Turkey, Spain, UAE, Niger and Mexico.
Here are some pictures of the event
All the different grades from KG to Grade 9 had to find out about a different country and present a dance and make food associated with the country.
The countries included Italy (Roberts class), Russia (Lena's), Argentina, Switzerland, Kenya, Singapore, Fiji, Turkey, Spain, UAE, Niger and Mexico.
Here are some pictures of the event
#cbis #internationalcultureday2017
Today in History: 28th October
Hello again Gentle Reader, lets snuggle up beneath the duvet of history and take a long lie in the bed of time.
1420: Beijing becomes the capital of the Ming Dynasty when the buildinf of the Forbidden City is completed.
1492: Christopher Columbus lands on Cuba.
1886: The Statue of Liberty is dedicated. The world's first Ticker Tape parade happens soon after.
1922: Benito Mussolini marches his fascists into Rome and takes over the Italian government.
1955: Bill Gates, Microsoft founder and richest human ever is born.
1982: Matt Smith, Doctor Who actor is born.
#beijing #columbus #statueofliberty #mussolini #billgates #mattsmith #october27 #todayinhistory
1420: Beijing becomes the capital of the Ming Dynasty when the buildinf of the Forbidden City is completed.
1492: Christopher Columbus lands on Cuba.
1886: The Statue of Liberty is dedicated. The world's first Ticker Tape parade happens soon after.
1922: Benito Mussolini marches his fascists into Rome and takes over the Italian government.
1955: Bill Gates, Microsoft founder and richest human ever is born.
1982: Matt Smith, Doctor Who actor is born.
#beijing #columbus #statueofliberty #mussolini #billgates #mattsmith #october27 #todayinhistory
Monday, 23 October 2017
1000 days
Well Gentle Readers, Its hard to imagine that after 1000 days of blogging I am still finding stuff to write about.
I love my life and I love my wife and I love my son. Life is good.
I still sometimes pinch myself when I think how many views my blog has had. Over 180,000 at the last count.
Thank you all.
Sunday, 22 October 2017
Limited Edition
Hey GentleReader
I wanted to share this with you. I didn't write it so I am not taking credit.
A youngster asked his grandfather...
"Grandpa! How did you people live before with
No technology
No aeroplanes
No internet
No Computer
No Dramas
No aircons
No cars
No Mobile phones.
Dada replied
Just like how you people living today...
No Prayer
No compassion
No honour
No respect
No character
No shame
No modesty"
We, the people born between 1950-1989 are the blessed ones...
Our life is a living proof.
👉While playing and riding bicycle, we never bothered to wear helmets.
👉After school time we played until its dusk but never watched (TV) by locking up ourselves in a room.
👉We played only with our real friends, not with NET friends.
👉 If we ever felt thirsty, we used to drink tap water but never searched for bottled water.
👉We never got ill even after sharing the same juice with four friends.
👉We were never put on weight even after eating plate full of rice everyday.
👉Nothing happened to our feet even after roaming bare foot.
👉We never used any health supplements to keep ourselves healthy.
👉We used to create our own toys and play with them.
👉Our parents were not rich. They just searched for and gave only love.. not any worldly material.
👉We never had cellphones, DVDs, Play stations, XBoxes, video games, Personal computers, internet, chat but we had many real friends.
👉We used to visit our friend's home uncalled and enjoyed food with them. We never had to call them and ask their permission to visit their home.
👉Relatives were near to us so our hearts and souls were happy.
👉We may have been in Black and White photos but you can find good colourful memories in those photos........
👉 We are a unique and the most understanding generation, because we are the last generation who listened to their parents....
and also the first which have to listen to their children.
We are LIMITED Edition!
I want to thank Hem for sharing this.
I wanted to share this with you. I didn't write it so I am not taking credit.
A youngster asked his grandfather...
"Grandpa! How did you people live before with
No technology
No aeroplanes
No internet
No Computer
No Dramas
No aircons
No cars
No Mobile phones.
Dada replied
Just like how you people living today...
No Prayer
No compassion
No honour
No respect
No character
No shame
No modesty"
We, the people born between 1950-1989 are the blessed ones...
Our life is a living proof.
👉While playing and riding bicycle, we never bothered to wear helmets.
👉After school time we played until its dusk but never watched (TV) by locking up ourselves in a room.
👉We played only with our real friends, not with NET friends.
👉 If we ever felt thirsty, we used to drink tap water but never searched for bottled water.
👉We never got ill even after sharing the same juice with four friends.
👉We were never put on weight even after eating plate full of rice everyday.
👉Nothing happened to our feet even after roaming bare foot.
👉We never used any health supplements to keep ourselves healthy.
👉We used to create our own toys and play with them.
👉Our parents were not rich. They just searched for and gave only love.. not any worldly material.
👉We never had cellphones, DVDs, Play stations, XBoxes, video games, Personal computers, internet, chat but we had many real friends.
👉We used to visit our friend's home uncalled and enjoyed food with them. We never had to call them and ask their permission to visit their home.
👉Relatives were near to us so our hearts and souls were happy.
👉We may have been in Black and White photos but you can find good colourful memories in those photos........
👉 We are a unique and the most understanding generation, because we are the last generation who listened to their parents....
and also the first which have to listen to their children.
We are LIMITED Edition!
I want to thank Hem for sharing this.
999 Monday Emergency?
Hello Gentle readers wherever you may be. On 27th January 2015, I posted my first blog entry.
Today, 999 days later I am thinking about how I shall mark day 1000 tomorrow. The 23rd October 2017 will come and go and pass into history as simply as the 22nd has or the 27th January 2015 did.
To most people it will be just another Monday. I like Mondays, its the beginning of something. Something that could be the best week ever. It could be the most ordinary week but every Monday is about hope of what is to come.
I may not post at all tomorrow. I may be inspired to write something deep and meaningful. But just in case I get side tracked here is a big thank you to all of you.
We may dread Mondays because the weekend is over but Mondays are new beginnings, new hopes and new opportunities.
Enjoy your Monday.
#mondays #999
Today, 999 days later I am thinking about how I shall mark day 1000 tomorrow. The 23rd October 2017 will come and go and pass into history as simply as the 22nd has or the 27th January 2015 did.
To most people it will be just another Monday. I like Mondays, its the beginning of something. Something that could be the best week ever. It could be the most ordinary week but every Monday is about hope of what is to come.
I may not post at all tomorrow. I may be inspired to write something deep and meaningful. But just in case I get side tracked here is a big thank you to all of you.
We may dread Mondays because the weekend is over but Mondays are new beginnings, new hopes and new opportunities.
Enjoy your Monday.
#mondays #999
Wednesday, 18 October 2017
Wednesday Thought: Nationalism
Hello there Gentle Readers. After yesterdays rather unpleasent events with the 'lady' from Latvia, I thought I would use the opportunity to do a post about nationalism.
Nationalism can be a positive force in the world, pride in ones country is important but blind patriotism which leads to the kind of nationalism that saw Donald Trump elected, the UK leaving the EU or the rise of Fascism in the 1930's should never be tolerated.
Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first.
Charles de Gaulle
Nationalism is power hunger tempered by self-deception.
George Orwell
Trump is a product of a seething populism and nationalism that is the driving political force.
Stephen Bannon
Nationalism is a silly cock crowing on his own dunghill.
Richard Aldington
Nationalism has a way of oppressing others.
Noam Chomsky
This thing called nationalism is a treasure that a country uses to try to develop and a nationality uses to try to survive. China has lost this treasure.
Sun Yat-Sen
#sunyatsen #chomsky #aldington #bannon #orwell #degaulle #einstein #nationalism #wednesdaythought
Nationalism can be a positive force in the world, pride in ones country is important but blind patriotism which leads to the kind of nationalism that saw Donald Trump elected, the UK leaving the EU or the rise of Fascism in the 1930's should never be tolerated.
Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first.
Charles de Gaulle
Nationalism is power hunger tempered by self-deception.
George Orwell
Trump is a product of a seething populism and nationalism that is the driving political force.
Stephen Bannon
Nationalism is a silly cock crowing on his own dunghill.
Richard Aldington
Nationalism has a way of oppressing others.
Noam Chomsky
This thing called nationalism is a treasure that a country uses to try to develop and a nationality uses to try to survive. China has lost this treasure.
Sun Yat-Sen
#sunyatsen #chomsky #aldington #bannon #orwell #degaulle #einstein #nationalism #wednesdaythought
Tuesday, 17 October 2017
A short message for Marianna Gruzdeva (AKA Domenika Zolotaja)
Hello Gentle Readers, I am angry. Angry with a lady in Latvia who has been abusing Lena, myself and Robert. I apologize to you now but I wanted to make you aware that even Latvia has its fair share of not very nice people. There are not a lot of them, I am glad to say, because Latvia is a great country with a friendly, tolerant society.
The things that this "lady" has been posting to Lena on Facebook are horrible , spiteful and possibly illegal to say in a public forum. I have taken the opportunity to photograph Lena's phone so you can see some of the messages she has sent.
I will also be complaining to Facebook about this "lady" because although she uses the Facebook name of Dominika Zolotaja, her real name is Marianna Gruzdeva. and I am sure that some of what she is saying would count as racist and highly intolerant comments.
I think that the people of Latvia should also be aware that she is thinking about running for public office in the future and I am sure the last thing Latvia needs in another right-wing nationalist politician.
Dear Marianna,
Thank you so much for the kind words regarding Lena, Robert and myself. I want you to know that I personally think as highly of you as you do of me. I am happy to say that Robert is an intelligent, active little boy and is getting an education that the majority of Latvian parents would be happy to give their children. Lena works very hard and has had a very positive effect on her colleagues and the pupils that she teaches. I myself am in very good health, you will be relieved to hear, and I have absolutely no intention of making your prediction come true.
Lena and I love each other very much and have respect for each others traditions and national identity. I am proud to be Scottish and Lena is proud to be Latvian and we remind Robert everyday that his decisions are his own to make and that he should be proud of his Latvian heritage. He is also aware that he lives in an increasingly diverse and tolerant society where it is important not to be a bully, use racist language, be ignorant of others, cruel or unkind. I hope your son does not share your attitudes to guide him because this would mean that Latvia's future would not be that pleasent.
I lived in Latvia for 5 years (and paid my fair share of taxes) and I love the country and most of the people I met were very nice. I have to say I am glad we never met because having read what you wrote to Lena I may have said something that I may have regretted later.
Latvia is trying very hard to let go of the past by embracing a future in which equality and dignity are for everyone. You I am afraid to say are a throwback to the past. Xenophobia is NOT something to be proud of and it should be squashed like a bug on a car windscreen. People with your ideas and beliefs are the reason that Latvia continues to lose its young people to other E.U. countries and the rest of the world.
I would like to ask you some questions.
How does it make you feel when you see a happy, well adjusted family like mine who is successful?
Does it make you feel good to put people down because, as I understand it, your own childhood was not the best?
Is your self-esteem so low that you need to lash out with your sick, twisted words?
Now, I don't know you and hopefully I never will. I am not a bitter or spiteful person and most people that know me would describe me as easy going. However if you attack my family, the people I love, my friendly facade will be replaced by something else and trust me on this Marianna, you do not want to meet that person. You have absolutely no idea just how angry you have made me and I want you to know that some of the accusations you have made on Facebook Messenger may be borderline illegal. Maybe I should show them to a solicitor. What do you think?
I can assure you that Robert's adoption was completely legal and above board and when we informed the Latvian government about our move to China, they were happy and supported our decision.
Nationalists always believe that they are right and everyone else is wrong. (Donald Trump has the same problem). Xenophobic, ignorant bullies such as yourself are unable to learn anything new and are happy to share your views with the rest of the world. Jealousy of people's success is a symptom of low self esteem and having low self worth. I think the issues you had with your parents and your own unhappy childhood have twisted you into the person you are today. I pity you and what is more important, I pity your child.
Remember God loves you, even though the rest of us right-minded individuals do not.
By the way Marianna, I write a regular blog about my life so I am very happy to say that this letter to you is going on it for the whole of the world and Latvia to see.
Best Wishes
Neil Thomson
Here for you Gentle Reader are screenshots showing some of the messages the 'lady' left. Apologies for the Google translation.
Views on adoption.
Is she accusing us of paying for Robert?
#mariannagruzdeva #domenikazolotaja #bigot #intolerant
The things that this "lady" has been posting to Lena on Facebook are horrible , spiteful and possibly illegal to say in a public forum. I have taken the opportunity to photograph Lena's phone so you can see some of the messages she has sent.
I will also be complaining to Facebook about this "lady" because although she uses the Facebook name of Dominika Zolotaja, her real name is Marianna Gruzdeva. and I am sure that some of what she is saying would count as racist and highly intolerant comments.
I think that the people of Latvia should also be aware that she is thinking about running for public office in the future and I am sure the last thing Latvia needs in another right-wing nationalist politician.
Dear Marianna,
Thank you so much for the kind words regarding Lena, Robert and myself. I want you to know that I personally think as highly of you as you do of me. I am happy to say that Robert is an intelligent, active little boy and is getting an education that the majority of Latvian parents would be happy to give their children. Lena works very hard and has had a very positive effect on her colleagues and the pupils that she teaches. I myself am in very good health, you will be relieved to hear, and I have absolutely no intention of making your prediction come true.
Lena and I love each other very much and have respect for each others traditions and national identity. I am proud to be Scottish and Lena is proud to be Latvian and we remind Robert everyday that his decisions are his own to make and that he should be proud of his Latvian heritage. He is also aware that he lives in an increasingly diverse and tolerant society where it is important not to be a bully, use racist language, be ignorant of others, cruel or unkind. I hope your son does not share your attitudes to guide him because this would mean that Latvia's future would not be that pleasent.
I lived in Latvia for 5 years (and paid my fair share of taxes) and I love the country and most of the people I met were very nice. I have to say I am glad we never met because having read what you wrote to Lena I may have said something that I may have regretted later.
Latvia is trying very hard to let go of the past by embracing a future in which equality and dignity are for everyone. You I am afraid to say are a throwback to the past. Xenophobia is NOT something to be proud of and it should be squashed like a bug on a car windscreen. People with your ideas and beliefs are the reason that Latvia continues to lose its young people to other E.U. countries and the rest of the world.
I would like to ask you some questions.
How does it make you feel when you see a happy, well adjusted family like mine who is successful?
Does it make you feel good to put people down because, as I understand it, your own childhood was not the best?
Is your self-esteem so low that you need to lash out with your sick, twisted words?
Now, I don't know you and hopefully I never will. I am not a bitter or spiteful person and most people that know me would describe me as easy going. However if you attack my family, the people I love, my friendly facade will be replaced by something else and trust me on this Marianna, you do not want to meet that person. You have absolutely no idea just how angry you have made me and I want you to know that some of the accusations you have made on Facebook Messenger may be borderline illegal. Maybe I should show them to a solicitor. What do you think?
I can assure you that Robert's adoption was completely legal and above board and when we informed the Latvian government about our move to China, they were happy and supported our decision.
Nationalists always believe that they are right and everyone else is wrong. (Donald Trump has the same problem). Xenophobic, ignorant bullies such as yourself are unable to learn anything new and are happy to share your views with the rest of the world. Jealousy of people's success is a symptom of low self esteem and having low self worth. I think the issues you had with your parents and your own unhappy childhood have twisted you into the person you are today. I pity you and what is more important, I pity your child.
Remember God loves you, even though the rest of us right-minded individuals do not.
By the way Marianna, I write a regular blog about my life so I am very happy to say that this letter to you is going on it for the whole of the world and Latvia to see.
Best Wishes
Neil Thomson
Here for you Gentle Reader are screenshots showing some of the messages the 'lady' left. Apologies for the Google translation.
Views on adoption.
![]() |
Soon I will be Dead! |
Is she accusing us of paying for Robert?
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When is 49 Elderly???? |
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Robert IS our son. |
#mariannagruzdeva #domenikazolotaja #bigot #intolerant
Monday, 16 October 2017
Neil's Breakfast Fried Rice
Well happy Monday Gentle Reader. Its only 7 days til I will celebrate a very special landmark and lets start the countdown with a recipe. Now I know its not a traditional breakfast dish....but its got Sausage and Egg in it.
5 cups of rice
6 pre cooked sausages
2 eggs
1 green bell pepper
1 clove garlic
2 red chilli
1 tbsp salt
olive oil
Place 5 cups of Rice, a chopped chilli and 5 cups of water into your rice cooker and press the quick cook function.
Chop the remaining chilli, pepper and onion finely and place in a wok. Crush a garlic clove into the veg and add some oil. Chop the sausages into small pieces and place this in the wok.
Cook the veg and sausages until the vegetables and sausage is cooked through.
When the rice is cooked spoon it into the wok and stir it so that the vegetables and sausage are spread evenly through the rice.
Break two eggs onto the rice and stir vigorously until the egg has covered as much of the rice as possible. Fry gently, stirring continuously.
Serve with salad.
#sausageeggfriedrice #recipes
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Sausage Egg Fried Rice with Salad |
5 cups of rice
6 pre cooked sausages
2 eggs
1 green bell pepper
1 clove garlic
2 red chilli
1 tbsp salt
olive oil
Place 5 cups of Rice, a chopped chilli and 5 cups of water into your rice cooker and press the quick cook function.
Chop the remaining chilli, pepper and onion finely and place in a wok. Crush a garlic clove into the veg and add some oil. Chop the sausages into small pieces and place this in the wok.
Cook the veg and sausages until the vegetables and sausage is cooked through.
When the rice is cooked spoon it into the wok and stir it so that the vegetables and sausage are spread evenly through the rice.
Serve with salad.
#sausageeggfriedrice #recipes
Saturday, 14 October 2017
Today in History: 14th October
Hello Gentle Readers its time to shake ourself a vodka martini of time and raise an eyebrow towards history.
1066: The Battle of Hastings. A Norman force under William the Conquerer defeats King Harold.
1322: Robert the Bruce defeats Edward II forcing the English to accept Scottish independence.
1926:The book Winnie the Pooh by A.A.Milne is published.
1927: James Bond actor Sir Roger Moore is born.
1947: Chuck Yeager becomes the first man to travel faster than the speed of sound.
1965: Comedian and Actor Steve Coogan is born.
#battle of hastings #robertthebruce #winniethepooh #rogermoore #chuckyeager #stevecoogan
1066: The Battle of Hastings. A Norman force under William the Conquerer defeats King Harold.
1322: Robert the Bruce defeats Edward II forcing the English to accept Scottish independence.
1926:The book Winnie the Pooh by A.A.Milne is published.
1927: James Bond actor Sir Roger Moore is born.
1947: Chuck Yeager becomes the first man to travel faster than the speed of sound.
1965: Comedian and Actor Steve Coogan is born.
#battle of hastings #robertthebruce #winniethepooh #rogermoore #chuckyeager #stevecoogan
The Chinese Pioneers
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Flying the Pioneer Flag |
Hello Gentle Readers. Yesterday at school a very interesting event happened. A group of children, mostly grade 1 and a few grade 2 students were initiated into the Chinese youth movement called the "Pioneers".
The Pioneers are the Chinese equivalent of the Scouting or Guiding movements of the West The Soviet Union also had its own Pioneers.
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The Flag of the Pioneers |
Founded in 1949, the Youth and Children movement of China, was set up to ensure that all Chinese children were taught the values of the Communist goverment and ideology of the Chinese under the guidance of Mao Zedung.
Young Pioneers consist of children between the ages of six and fourteen; upon reaching the age of fourteen, members automatically exit the Young Pioneers and may go on to join the Communist Youth League.
Most elementary school students are Young Pioneers by the time they graduate from grade school. Most of the schools require students of the right age to become Young Pioneers.[There were an estimated 130 million Young Pioneers in China, as of 2002.
The slogan of the Pioneers is similar to that of the Scouting movement.
Be Prepared, to struggle for the cause of Communism.
When the children joined the Pioneers they had to make a pledge which states "I am a member of the Young Pioneers of China. Under the Flag of the Young Pioneers I promise that: I will love the Communist Party of China, the motherland, and the people; I will study well and keep myself fit always, and to prepare for my contributing effort to the cause of communism."
#chinesepioneers #communism
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