The things that this "lady" has been posting to Lena on Facebook are horrible , spiteful and possibly illegal to say in a public forum. I have taken the opportunity to photograph Lena's phone so you can see some of the messages she has sent.
I will also be complaining to Facebook about this "lady" because although she uses the Facebook name of Dominika Zolotaja, her real name is Marianna Gruzdeva. and I am sure that some of what she is saying would count as racist and highly intolerant comments.
I think that the people of Latvia should also be aware that she is thinking about running for public office in the future and I am sure the last thing Latvia needs in another right-wing nationalist politician.
Dear Marianna,
Thank you so much for the kind words regarding Lena, Robert and myself. I want you to know that I personally think as highly of you as you do of me. I am happy to say that Robert is an intelligent, active little boy and is getting an education that the majority of Latvian parents would be happy to give their children. Lena works very hard and has had a very positive effect on her colleagues and the pupils that she teaches. I myself am in very good health, you will be relieved to hear, and I have absolutely no intention of making your prediction come true.
Lena and I love each other very much and have respect for each others traditions and national identity. I am proud to be Scottish and Lena is proud to be Latvian and we remind Robert everyday that his decisions are his own to make and that he should be proud of his Latvian heritage. He is also aware that he lives in an increasingly diverse and tolerant society where it is important not to be a bully, use racist language, be ignorant of others, cruel or unkind. I hope your son does not share your attitudes to guide him because this would mean that Latvia's future would not be that pleasent.
I lived in Latvia for 5 years (and paid my fair share of taxes) and I love the country and most of the people I met were very nice. I have to say I am glad we never met because having read what you wrote to Lena I may have said something that I may have regretted later.
Latvia is trying very hard to let go of the past by embracing a future in which equality and dignity are for everyone. You I am afraid to say are a throwback to the past. Xenophobia is NOT something to be proud of and it should be squashed like a bug on a car windscreen. People with your ideas and beliefs are the reason that Latvia continues to lose its young people to other E.U. countries and the rest of the world.
I would like to ask you some questions.
How does it make you feel when you see a happy, well adjusted family like mine who is successful?
Does it make you feel good to put people down because, as I understand it, your own childhood was not the best?
Is your self-esteem so low that you need to lash out with your sick, twisted words?
Now, I don't know you and hopefully I never will. I am not a bitter or spiteful person and most people that know me would describe me as easy going. However if you attack my family, the people I love, my friendly facade will be replaced by something else and trust me on this Marianna, you do not want to meet that person. You have absolutely no idea just how angry you have made me and I want you to know that some of the accusations you have made on Facebook Messenger may be borderline illegal. Maybe I should show them to a solicitor. What do you think?
I can assure you that Robert's adoption was completely legal and above board and when we informed the Latvian government about our move to China, they were happy and supported our decision.
Nationalists always believe that they are right and everyone else is wrong. (Donald Trump has the same problem). Xenophobic, ignorant bullies such as yourself are unable to learn anything new and are happy to share your views with the rest of the world. Jealousy of people's success is a symptom of low self esteem and having low self worth. I think the issues you had with your parents and your own unhappy childhood have twisted you into the person you are today. I pity you and what is more important, I pity your child.
Remember God loves you, even though the rest of us right-minded individuals do not.
By the way Marianna, I write a regular blog about my life so I am very happy to say that this letter to you is going on it for the whole of the world and Latvia to see.
Best Wishes
Neil Thomson
Here for you Gentle Reader are screenshots showing some of the messages the 'lady' left. Apologies for the Google translation.
Views on adoption.
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Soon I will be Dead! |
Is she accusing us of paying for Robert?
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When is 49 Elderly???? |
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Robert IS our son. |
#mariannagruzdeva #domenikazolotaja #bigot #intolerant
Dear Neil, I know Marianna as long as I know Lena, because they both were my classmates. Marianna is a very brave person who always speaks what she thinks. Maybe, sometimes, her 'truth' makes little problem for her or maybe not, I'm not sure but anyway she is not bad, jealous or angry person. If you and Lena are posting every event from your life to facebook, you have to be ready that there will be people who not accept your lifestyle, it is just normal. I don't see Xenophoby in her messages. Word 'aborigeni' means native population, not something rude that like you could think. I see that she was just really surprised that Robert has only Chineese classmates and she says 'koshmar' only because she understands that Robert is in totaly different surrounding with other traditions, religion and lifestyle. I'm not speaking in support of some Mariannas not pleasant words about you and your family, but you could just add her to a blacklist or block, easiest way. And have also my congratulation that thanks to Marianna your post was read by more than 2 people as usually. I wish all good to your nice family and don't take other people words and thoughts very much to heart!:) Olga.