Friday 26 June 2020

Let Kids be Kids this Summer

Hello Gentle Readers

What is the matter with letting your kids just try to enjoy the summer holidays.
Yes Armenia and other places are in lockdown due to Covid-19 and you want to keep your children safe but do you really need to make them study online or do extra classes.

As a teacher I fully understand the importance of learning. I fully understand the importance of proper play and socialization. Most schools around the world were closed and millions of children went without any kind of social interaction which is essential for their physical and emotional development.

There have even been several studies that have shown how some children and adolescents have developed symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and other stress related conditions due to the increase in screen time they have had to endure.

For the vast majority of children who live in cities they dont even have gardens to go and run around in. Exercise is limited. I have seen with my own eyes many of the children I teach become depressed snd withdrawn.

Parents who are desperate for their kids to do well in school are throwing money at courses which will keep their children busy.  My plea to any of you that read this is; "Please let your kids be kids".

2020 has been a shit storm for them as well. Let them have summer. Keep them safe, let them wear masks and wash their hands. But dont sit them in front of their laptops all day. After the year we have had its important they get a chance to blow off steam.

I would appreciate your comments on this.

#lockdown #letkidsbekids #summer2020

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