Tuesday 15 March 2016

Son of A Scotsman in Riga

Hello gentle readers, I have decided to let Robert help me with the blog sometimes. So here we go.

It has been an interesting couple of days, Mama and Papa have let me help with some cooking. I like their cooking but I think its even better when I help.

On Sunday Mama told me we were making pelmenies, one of my favourites. Papa normally just buys them frozen from the supermarket so to get them freshly made seems like a real special treat.

We chopped onions and mixed them with the meat and Mama mixed the dough. Then Papa and I put the meat into the dough and  shaped them into the Pelmenie shape.

Altogether we made about 60 little dumplings . It was hard work. We  froze half of them and Mama and I left papa  to cook the pelmenies that would be our dinner.

Oh Dear! Papa forgot to stir the pelmenies and a lot of them burst open or stuck together. Mama was very angry at Papa and made him eat all the burst ones.


This only left a few for us. Papa cooked a few more and this time they were yummy because he "LISTENED TO MAMA."

Today Mama and Papa were staying home from work and I stayed home from school, we played Lego and I watched cartoons.

Plus I got to make PIZZA, another favourite of mine. I had never made it before so I was super excited. Papa had to go out but Mama made the dough and I helped to chop the vegetables. I really wanted to help with the dough but Mama said I was too small and I cried, Mama explained to me that I am still small and that I  could roll the dough with the rolling pin.
Papa came back and this time he didn’t help as much. He just took the photos you can see and put the Pizza in the oven because it was too hot for me to do.

We put chicken, ham, onions, tomatoes, red paprika and two types of cheese on our pizzas plus on one we put some pickles. The pizzas were awesome and I had 3 big pieces. Now I am as stuffed as a banana and I am lying on the floor telling Papa what to type.

Thank you for letting me write for you, I hope you liked what I wrote about.


1 comment:

  1. Brilliant Robert! I look forward to reading more of your stories... They are much more interesting than Papa's!! Hehe!!

