Sunday 13 December 2015

Adoption in Latvia 7

 Baltic news, News from Latvia, BNN.LV, BNN-NEWS.COM, BNN-NEWS.RU
Hey Gentle Readers, I know its been a while. I lead a very busy hectic life and after our meeting at the adoption court on the 1st December, our lives are going to be a lot more hectic.

Our friend and television celebrity Zinta, the founder of the Pink Train foundation, accompanied Lena and I to the adoption agency where we were going to have our day in court. Zinta was acting as a translator.

So we sat, and waited, and some ladies went into a room, and we waited some more. Some ladies left to be replaced by other ladies and then they came back.....with a NUN!!!!

I don't know about you gentle reader, but NUNS scare the bejesus out of me. Its the stern faces and wimples that do it.

Anyway, scary nuns aside Gentle reader, the meeting was scary enough. We were asked questions and sweated profusely (well I did) Lena was a vision of perspiration free tranquillity.

They committee of three ladies finished their questions, the judge asked us to wait outside while they though about our answers. Seconds seemed like minutes and minutes seemed like hours but eventually our case worker appeared and led us back inside.

The lady in charge explained the decision and hey Guess what gentle reader....................................


We are now officially on the waiting list and we are already getting information about possible adoptive children. 
I was amazed how quickly it took to get from start to  finish in the adoption process. Our initial approach to the agency was on the 30th July  and a little over 4 months later we had the go ahead.

I want to thank all of you who have supported our adoption journey. This includes our families, friends and work colleagues. 
The journey isn't quite finished. We will have news soon and we will share it with you when its confirmed.

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