Saturday 18 November 2017

Equality.....or just a hole in the ground?

Hello Gentle Reader and welcome back to my exploration of China's Core Socialist values.

Today I am going to look at equality. I am a strong believer that everyone is the same and no one, rich or poor, should be treated differently.

It doesn't matter if your the poorest peasent, President Xi or a British expat, eventually you will need to poop.

And Chinese bathrooms if anything make everything and everyone equal.

Yes Gentle Reader, you have spotted the elephant in the room...or is that the hole in the ground or the bucket in the corner.

Lena had seen bathrooms a bit like these in Latvia but for me this was a new experience. When we went out to places that we would not be sure had a western toilet I had to go before we went anywhere.

Also Chinese toilets are BYOTP.

Bring your own Toilet Paper.
If you are wondering the tecnique for using such a toilet is refered to as the Squat, Go, Wipe, Throw.

The bucket I mentioned earlier is for putting your used toilet paper. The Chinese sewage system is not the most efficient and the pipes can become easily blocked.

This means that Chinese public bathrooms are easy to find. Just follow the smells.

Because everyone needs to poop, in China, everyone needs to squat.

#coresocialistvalues #equality #toilets #squatgowipethrow

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