Saturday 18 May 2019

The MCU 22

Hello Gentle readers and Excelsior.
Just a few minutes ago I watched for the first time the movie "Ant Man".

Now I know that some of you will be saying 'So what? Who cares? It came out years ago".

Well the fact that I have seen it...I have seen all 22 movies from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)  and in this post I want to give you my rundown from worst to best MCU movie.

Robert and I will also make a Youtube video which will be at the bottom of this post.

Remember this is just my opinion. If you want to comment you can.

Here we go.

22. Thor: It looked pretty, especially Asgard, but not very much happened.

21. Iron Man 2: Badly scripted and felt rushed.

20. Avengers: Age of Ultron: After tbe first Avengers was a bit disappointing.

19. Thor 2: Acting good but SFX and CGI let it down.

18. Incredible Hulk: Whatever happened to Ed Norton?

17. Guardians of the Galaxy 2: Over violent and apart from baby Groot it felt heartless.

16. Caprain Marvel: Loved the 90s retro feel. FX and characterisation let it down.

15. Iron Man 3: The movie Iron man 2 should have been.

14. Ant Man and the Wasp: Funny, cool but in the end only really worth it for the mid credits scene.

13. Doctor Strange: Marvel does Inception....funny accent for Cumberbutch.

12. Ant-Man: Funny especially the Stan Lee cameo.

11. Thor Ragnorok: Its a big ass wolf and the Hulk is back.

10. Spiderman Homecoming: Fun, fun fun

9. Captain America: Winter Soldier: dark.

8. Avengers Endgame: Over violent, over long, over blown....but still awesome. Too many questions left unanswered though.

7. Avengers Infinity War: The better movie of the two. The Finger snap is incredible.

6. Captain America Civil War: Great movie and it sets up the Thanos ark that was to follow.

5. Black Panther: Respectful and Human. Let down by some dodgy CGI in the final fight sequence.

4. Avengers: pure brilliance because its simple....Hulk Smash!

3. Iron Man: Got the ball rolling in 2008.

2. Guardians of the Galaxy: Heart and humour. Great set pieces and good acting. Who would have thought the relationship between a genetically enhanced racoon and a tree could melt your heart?

1. Captain America: The first Avenger: WWII, Howard Stark, The Red Skull. A perfect movie in every way. Script, soul and stars were in perfect balance.

#moviereviews #mcu22

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