Tuesday 31 December 2019

Top 10: Worst things in the 2010s

Hello Gentle Readers

The last 10 years have been good for me personally and professionally. I married Lena, we adopted Robert and my career is getting better all the time.

This post is about the 10 things I have disliked about the 2010's.

1  The rise of populist politics.

Right wing policies and nationalism have turned politics into a joke, unfortunately noone is laughing.

2. Brexit

Pointless and useless. The populist policies of the UK government have wrecked my country both politically and socially. I will never return to live there.

3. Trump.

The Idiot in chief. NUFF SAID.

4 The rise of ISIS.

Although mostly gone the activities of the Islamic State have left a scar on the world. The most horrible part of which has been the radicalisation of European Muslim youth due to their treatment by the governments of their home countries.

5. Genocide in Myanmar

The treatment of the Rohinga muslim minority is a genocide and the Myanmar government and their military are to blame.

6. Treatment of the Uighars in China.

Brainwashing and re-education. China sucks in so many ways. We lived there for 2 years.

7. Continuing denial of Climate change.

Forest fires in Australia. Sea level rise and droughts and floods. Yet politicians still dont accept that its happening.

8. The Rise of Clickbait.

Advertising is important but this manipulative form is having a negative impact on our youth.

9. The 'Gender' debate.
There are 2 'Male' or 'Fenale' enough said.

10. Fake news. Journalism used to be trusted now anyone can claim what they want when they want.

#top10 #2010s

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