Sunday 16 August 2015

The Pink Train Foundation


Hey Gentle reader I want to use the blog to let you know about a very important Latvian charity and the work that they do.

Yesterday, Lena and I travelled to Jurmala on the Baltic sea with some friends and colleagues who all support a charity  that has an important place in all our hearts.

Breast cancer can be a devastating disease that has a major impact on the women who suffer and their families. The Pink Train foundation was founded by a group of women who had been affected and its aim is to provide support to breast cancer sufferers by giving them financial support to pay for after care.

Unfortunately, in Latvia the physiotherapy and psychotherapy that breast cancer sufferers need after mastectomy is not easily available because of the cost and the charity raises funds to pay for these treatments.

It raises the funds by arranging day trips by train to places of interest in Latvia. The people who go on the trips pay for their train ticket and donate the same amount to the charity. For example if the train ticket costs 5 Euro per person. You donate 5 euro per person to the charity.

As I said earlier, yesterday we went to Jurmala and visited a few very interesting places. It was our first Pink Train excursion but will not be our last.

Aspazija's house in Dubulti is now a museum to the poet. It is where she spent the last few years  of her life and the house has been preserved to look as closely as possible to how it would have looked in the 1930's and 1940's.
The house is filled with genuine furniture and period decorations that celebrate the life and work of this amazing woman and her husband Rainis.

We also visited Dragon Land Dream house which was very strange and esoteric. It is an art cooperative and part commune type house where people go and create art. It is free to visit and make art but they ask that whatever you create you leave it for others to see and enjoy.

The rooms in the house are themed differently but the main over-riding theme is the dragon. Dragons are very powerful creatures and you will see them carved into trees, painted on walls and sculpted all over the house.

Afterwards, a walk to the beach and some time to relax and then a walk to Majori where we had some lunch and then got the train home. We had a great time and loved the fact that we helped a worthy charity.

To find out more please visit the Pink Train website by clicking here.

also visit and like their Facebook page here.


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