Tuesday 3 September 2019


Hello Gentle Readers

I am very much saddened to say this but as someone who cares very deeply about my country, I am becoming increasingly disheartened by what is happening in the United Kingdom.

I know I have not lived in the UK for 7 years but this year more than ever I have become more and more dejected by the direction that the country is taking.

I have always considered myself a moral person who stands up for what I belief in and as a person who belueves in social justice.
Everytime I turn on the news I get more and more upset by the never ending doom and gloom that keeps coming.

I read about stabbings and murders in London and other cities in the UK. People dependent on Food banks to feed their children. Charities revealing that they dont have enough money to help those most in need and a government who seems uncaring to any of these issues.

The Conservative party has orchestrated the demise of the UK as a global force and this was highlighted at the recent G7 meeting where the British PM seemed lost and was basically only finding any kind of support from Donald Trump (ffs)

The UK has actually become a bit of a joke. It is actually hard to listen to people who keep asking why the UK is leaving the EU. And  do you know what I say

"I don't know'

The people who voted leave back in 2016 were only listening to one side. Nigel Farage told people what they wanted to hear and they believed the horsesh*t.

Now Britain is heading towards a 'no deal' Brexit. Food shortages will probably increase. Fuel prices may rise. I heard talk of rationing.

Brexit promised a bright future. The Conservatives always look backwards to the glories of the past. Britain may be heading back to the glory days of the 1950s.

Now the PM tries the Prorogue to force through his vision. A PM who is unelected by the people is stripping away the democracy that allowed him to become PM in the first place. Whats next? Martial Law? Racial segregation? The Thought Police?

I read the book 1984 when I was a teenager and I suggest that you go and read it. The Populist Right of politics are the new Big Brother and Boris Johnson is just the latest exponent of these values to gain power after Putin and Trump.

As a proud British passport holder it makes me sad that the Britain I left in 2012 no longer exists and unless the British people snap out of their apathy, the UK I love may never return.

#ripuk #borisjohnson #brexit