Tuesday 23 May 2017

Thoughts on Manchester

Its a sad day Gentle Readers.

This morning, like many of you, I woke to the news of the terrible events in Manchester and the terrorist attack on the Ariana Grande concert.

I have tried to follow the story as closely as I can while at work but news seemed to trickle in slowly.

22 dead and over 50 injured. The Islamic State group proudly boast  of their victory over the enemy Crusaders.

Crusaders? Really? Since when are teenagers and young children considered anyones enemy.
I could spend hours writing about this. The anger I feel towards the cowards who perpetrated this hideous act in the name of their religion is palpable.
As a teacher it is my job to explain to my students about tolerance and respect for ourselves and others beliefs but there is no way anyone should tolerate what happened in the UK last night.

I dont usually agree with what Teresa May says but she was right today. The man who blew himself up and his ISIS commanders are not religious figures but murderers of children. The ISIS sympathisers and there are many should abandon them to their fates and allow reason to win this war of ideology.

My thoughts are with the victims and their families. My thoughts are with anyone who stands up to what this EVIL organisation stands for.

We are Manchester.


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