Wednesday 7 June 2017

WTF! Fidget Spinners

Good morning gentle reader. As you know here at A Scotsman in Riga, I try to keep you abreast of news, history and other stuff and nonsense that interests me.
As part of what I see as my duty to you, occasionally I look at the trends that seem to dominate.

A few months ago you couldnt go anywhere in my school without kids dabbing at you every 5 minutes. I now have the sad task to tell you about the latest trendy kid "thing".

Yes folks I present to you the Fidget Spinner.

A toy....a stress aid to concentration?

The marketing people behind it will tell you a lot about it. Claiming that it has magical properties to help your child.

What a heap of $%@#!!!!

The fidget spinner has the opposite effect in our school. Kids that were usually not distracted are now more distracted. Even my own son is using pester power to get one because the big kids have them.

It was originally invented by Catherine Hettinger to help pupils in schools with conditions such as ADHD, anxiety and Autism.

It was actually invented in the 1990s but only became popular in 2017.

As an educator, I usually welcome innovation that helps pupils with Special Educational Needs. Spinners are a tool to help these children concentrate however as a toy for children it is more of a distraction for children that usually are not distracted.

I say ban them. Unless used in an educational context with SEN pupils.

#fidgetspinners #wtf

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