Sunday 3 December 2017


Greetings Gentle Readers, the video above features a British entertainer called Roy Castle. He waa a big star in the UK in the 1970s when I was growing up because of his TV show "Record Breakers".

The show was about ordinary people trying to break world records and get into the Guiness Book of records. The song 'Dedication" was usually sang at thr end of the show to inspire the viewers.

China has shown its own type of dedication as it tries to throw off the past and goes for economic growth. Dedication is also one of the Core Socialist Values. To illustrate this here are some examples of how China is a "Record Breaker"

Chinese companies are buying global companies faster than anyone has before.

China is the most populated country (1.38 billion people) on the planet.

China has the largest army in the world.

China executes more people than the rest of the world combined.

Between 2011 and 2013, China used more cement than the USA did in the entire 20th century.

It is estimated that 600,000 peole die due to overwork in China every year.

China has 4 megacities (10 million + population) which is more than anywhere else.

China has nearly 500 'Cancer villages' where due to industrial pollution, cancer rates are way above average.

#china #coresocialistvalues #dedication

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