Friday 24 July 2020

50 Dreams: Robert's list. Robert's Summer Writing.

Hello Gentle Readers and Bob fans everywhere.

Robert decided to emulate his Mama and Papa and write his own dream list. Here it is.

1. To see a volcano erupt.
2. To design and build the tallest building in the world.
3. To find a complete dinosaur skeleton.
4. To have a great future.
5. To have his own business.
6. To go around the world.
7. To have a good wife and 2 kids.
8. To have a house in a volcano.
9. That my parents will live forever.
10. To have a very good job.

11. To have $100,000 when I am 14.
12. To be famous.
13. To be good at football.
14. To have a very good friend.
15. To have a dog or a cat.
16. To have a sister.
17. To have a car.
18. To have never-ending lemons.
19. To be healthy.
20. To be strong.

21. To have an X-Box.
22. To have a kids motorbike.
23. To have police station or fire station Lego.
24. To have a drawing I-pad.
25. To have an electric scooter.
26. To meet Gordon Ramsay.
27. To have a radio controlled boat.
28. To have an electric dragon.
29. To have remote control for everything in the house.
30. To be good at spelling.

31. To be good at mathematics
32. To improve my writing.
33. To have a garden.
34. To have some Action figures.
35. To have a trampolene.
36. To get some more games on my i-pad.
37. To be a good reader.
38. To have a really cool train set.
39. To have a nice long sleep.
40. To build a house out of bedding materials.

41. To have a bike
42. To have a Pilot's licence.
43. To have 100 animals.
44. To be a better swimmer.
45. To make Covid-19 go away.
46. To have a girlfriend.
47. To visit a museum of planes.
48. To go to university.
49. To be a good runner.
50. To be smart.

Robert came up with these dreams all by himself with no help from us. Please comment and give him all the encouragement you can to help him make his dreams come true.


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