Sunday 21 June 2015

Top 10 Fun Facts about........Cats

Hey Gentle Reader, I love my little pussy, Danny, so here are some facts about our feline friends.
1. A group of cats is called a clowder.
2. Pope Innocent VIII said that cats were evil and thousands were burnt.
This led to an explosion in the r population ad a worsening of the black death
3. In Ancient Egypt, if a family pet cat died, the owners would mourn by shaving their eyebrows.
Angelina and Nicholas Cage....browless
4. The Catt-flap was invented by Sir Isaac Newton.
5. The heavies cat ever was Himmy from Australia who weighed 21kg.
6. In Scotland, a statue was built to honour a cat called Towser, who caught 30,000 mice.
7. 4 million cats are eaten in Asia every year.
8. There are approximately half a billion cats on planet earth.
9. The first cloned pet was a cat called Little Nicky. He cost $50,000 to make.
10. The world's rarest coffee, Kopi Luwak, comes from beans that have passed through
the digestive tract of an Indonesian wildcat. It costs $5000 for 450g.
#cats #boxofkittens #clowder #innocentviii #isaacnewton #himmythecat #towser #kopiluwak

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