Wednesday 12 April 2017

A Messy Divorce? My Brexit view. Part 2

Hello Gentle Reader.

Last week I started my tirade on Brexit and just how dumb it is. Now for the second part. I hope you have braced yourself.

When I was interviewed for LNT last week the interviewer asked me if I would like to see the Brexit decision reversed.

Although i personally believe that Brexit itself will be very damaging for the UK, I believe that the decision should stand.

"What!" I hear you cry. "Have you switched sides?"

No my friends I have not pulled on my John Bull costume and raised the UK drawbridge. I am still fully commited to my belief that an EU without the UK will be worse off and a UK out of the EU will be knee deep in shit before the end of the decade.

I believe in the democratic process. The UK population were asked a simple question.

Do you wish for the UK to stay in the European Union?

The majority said "No".

End of discussion.

The people decided. Democracy in its purest form. The result should stand and in a few years from now the people who voted with their hearts instead of their heads will fully understand what a mistake they made.
There can be no "backsies", no "take us back, we're sorries". The people who made a decision based on nothing more than their xenophobic worldview will have to live with that decision as they see the children and grand children struggle to find work due to increased taxation and lack of investment.

If you voted Leave. You only have yourself to blame.


1 comment:

  1. 'xenophobic worldview' - An ignorant, simplistic and uneducated viewpoint, possibly worse than some of those that voted to leave and actually are Xenophobic.
