Tuesday 24 February 2015


Hello gentle reader sorry i have not posted for a couple of days but I am pleased to say that we are back in Riga.

Rome was fantastic and I will reflect on that adventure this weekend.

I wanted to write today about the importance of Home.

I was born in London, have Scottish parents, lived in Banff and Aberdeen in Scotland and now live in Riga, Latvia.

So where is home to me?

My mother and my sister live in Norfolk, England and I visit  whenever I can. I lived there myself for a while and Norwich is a fine city (it says so on the signs), but is it  HOME? Sorry but no, although there is family,  beyond that there is no emotional attachment for me.

London, my birthplace and home for my first 17 years will always be special and my football team, Fulham, will always be in my heart, but would I want to live there again.....definitely not. The London i loved is not there anymore.

Scotland, my spiritual home, is where I lived the longest, I got my degree there, appeared on TV there (a long story) became a father there and will probably go back there one day (a long time from now though). Its beautiful, friendly and romantic if it wasn't for the weather it would be perfect. Is it my HOME though? Nah

That leaves Latvia, beautiful, complicated Latvia. I love it, Riga is the loveliest city I have ever lived in, I have colleagues who I trust, friends who a dependable and a wife and son I love to bits.

 Latvia is my Home.

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