Tuesday 10 February 2015

Philosophy 1

Hey, gentle reader.....good to see you back. As promised here are some of my philosophical musings. I often sit and think about life, the universe and everything else. Here is my view on success.

Whatever anyone desires requires belief that they will achieve their goal. There is a school of thought that says that if we only wish about success or only think about it, we will not succeed in our goals. The head and the heart need to be in equilibrium in order for us to achieve success.

A persons life energy comes from the heart and spirit. Motivation to succeed comes from 5 distinct things in a persons life


Family is first in the list; for good reason. Everything we do we do for them.

From our parents and siblings; to our wives, husbands and partners; to our children, grandchildren and beyond; we are constantly striving for their approval and praise. Our children are our legacy to the world; what we leave behind is a gift and we invest time, love and energy to make them the best gift we can give.

Ou family is our inspiration.

Loyalty to your family; freinds; colleagues and ourselves is everything.
Being there in times of need and depending on them when we have problems.
Many people have stuff to deal with in their lives. Many problems can be solved through honest communication even if it is not what they want to learn.

Faith in ourselves; faith in God; Faith in family; faith in friends; faith in the sydtem of government. Faith no matter what; its form moves mountains.

Integrity neans keeping your word and success will be yours. Trust means being open and transparent in all your dealings whether they are business, social or personal.
Dont live your life in the gray areas, a person of substance has nothing to hide. If we are constantly looking over our shoulder, our dreams of success will keep moving further aaway.

Let the past go!

Unity means joining with others to make your success more easily acievable. Everyone pulling together to achieve individual goals they have makes the team/community stronger. Being Number one can take a backseat to helping all.
Duplicate leaders in your community  you admire, focus on your strengths dont dwell on your short-comings.

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