Tuesday 17 February 2015

Welcome to Rome 3

Rome Tuesday 17th February 2015

Its Lena's birthday woo hooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today we woke up at a much more suitable hour and once again had the same breakfast.
As it was Lena's birthday breakfast I was hoping for strawberrys and champagne but i guess beggars  cant be choosers.
After yesterdays massive hike around Rome I was pleased that Lena suggested we take the Rome metro back to the Colloseum so we could actually go in. Romes metro is small, just three lines  A, B and C and our hotel is very close to the only station that is on two of the lines. This makes it very easy and convenient to get around.

Yesterday we just looked around the outside of the colluseum but we had bought tickets that would allow us access to the colluseum and Forum for 48 hours. This is a great way to see all the sights because it really is worth taking time to see the Forum. Luckily we managed to skip a big queue and didnt have to wait long to get into the Colluseum.

The Colluseum itself is very impressive, the scale of the structure is very impressive considering it was built nearly 2000 years ago, the architectural skill required dwarves modern buildings.

Inside Lena and I ran into some British gentleman who were quoting "Life of Brian"  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrDVsprWRCQ

"Otters noses, Ocelot Spleens,..... "

Lena just shook her head, I thought it was being Latvian was the reason why she didnt get Monty Python. One of the wives of the British guys said she didnt get it either.....Maybe Monty Python is a boy  thing?

The main plan of today was to do the Angels and Demons tour of Rome. Fot those of you unfamiliar with the novel or the movie, it is written by the writer of The DaVinci Code is about the Illuminati. It is set mostly in Rome and our hero has to follow clues found in various Rome locations to find a murderer.

Our tour saw us take in sights that are not usually on the Rome "to do" lists but we saw many places including The Pantheon, Piazza de la Popolo, Piazza Navona and Castel St Angelo and we finished in St. Peters Square.

For lunch today we went to an absolutely lovely Bistro called Terra di Siena in Pasquino Square (http://www.ristoranteterradisiena.com/inglese.htm). When the owner found out it was Lena's birthday she bought out some home made Tiramisu with a candle. The food was incredible and the service was excellent. We both thoroughly reccommend it if you find yourself in Rome.

All the places we visited were beautiful to look at and great to see in the flesh. I loved the Pantheon and Lena loved the tiramisu best.

When we finished today instead of walking back to the hotel, we got the Metro.....nice.....see you for more tomorrow.

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