Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Riga Neighbourhoods 2

Welcome back gentle reader.

In this chapter of Riga's neighbourhoods, I am going to tell you a bit about the place I spend my working day, Kipsala.

Kipsala, formerly known as Zagas Island is an island on the River Daugava. Its about 2.7 km long and about 500 m wide. Originally Kipsala was made up of several smaller islands but ambitious engineering projects turned these into 1 large island. The Kipsala as we know it was finished at  the end of the 19th century.

Prior to and during this time, the island was mostly inhabited by fishermen and the streets had fishing appropriate names such as Anchor street and Seagull Street. The only way off or onto the island was by ferry and a steamboat also ran.

Kipsala went into decline in the early years of the 20th century and despite plans to regenerate the island, the Soviet authorities vetoed the plan. In the 1970's Riga's technical university was built on Kipsala with the intention of it using the whole island as its campus. This was considered untenable  and impractical although it does take up a large part of the island.

In 1981, the  Suspension Bridge was built across the Daugava and this connected Kipsala properly to road traffic.

After independence several new buildings were built including the Olimpia shopping centre, the Islande Hotel, a swimming pool and the Hansabank, now Swedbank, building. The Riga International Exhibition centre was also built and this building has generated a lot of income for the area.

Other important developments have included the restoration of the islands wooden houses. This has also lend to land prices on the island  spiralling so that now it is one of the most prestigious locations in Riga.

#kipsala #riga #rtu #swedbank

Monday, 30 March 2015

International Mindedness

Hello again Gentle Reader, I hope you are well.

Tomorrow and Wednesday are very important days at the International School of Riga. Its our 2 day celebration of International Day.
Its the schools special event where we encourage our pupils to be more Internationally Minded. So I started thinking to myself, 'What is International Mindedness?" Unfortunately it can be a very difficult thing to define.


Above is  a picture of the Iceberg model. It suggests that the external part of culture (the things that we can see, eat, hear) clothes, flags, music, food etc are the top of the iceberg and the internal (the things we don’t see) feelings, thoughts and values.

Geert Hofstede, the noted academic speculated that cultural differences between nations and peoples follow six basic rules:

1. How inequality is perceived (a nations distance from power)
2. Dealing with new experiences (uncertainty or avoidance)
3. Dependence on others (Individualism or Collectivism)
4. Gender roles (masculinity vs femininity)
5. Time Perspective (Long or short term orientation)
6. Dealing with natural drives (indulgence vs restraint)

To see how Latvia scores against the Hofstede system, click the link below.

 Because cultural differences occur naturally between different peoples and societies, the teaching of international mindedness in a school such as ours where there are over 40 different nationalities can be very difficult as the children have their own cultural values. What a child from Europe perceives as internationalism a child from Asia may see completely differently.

In order to help our children interpret what it means to be internationally minded the staff at our school have come up with a series of statements that help a child recognize when they are being Internationally Minded.

These start with the tag line  
"I know I am being internationally minded when...."

1......I listen to the ideas of others.
2......I feel uncomfortable at the actions of others and understand why I feel          uncomfortable.
3.....I question whether a viewpoint I have is culturally specific.
4.....I am open to exploring new ways of doing things.
5.....I try to communicate across language barriers.
6.....I accept that people will view my actions differently depending on their cultural backgrounds.
7.....I seek to understand the point of view of others, even though I may ultimately disagree with it.
8....I realize how little I know but I am excited at the thought of all the learning I still have to do.

Hopefully this little blog post will help you discover if you are Internationally Minded.

#internationalmindedness #latvia #geerthofstede

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Today in History Special (Mum's Birthday)


Yes gentle reader, take my hand and follow me back through time and let us explore the 29th of March.

1857: Mangal Pandey rebels against the East India Company triggering the Sepoy Mutiny.

1935: Glasgow Scotland. Margaret Grey (AKA mum) is born.

1935: English singer Ruby Murray, whose name will be forever cockney rhyming slang for a curry is born.


1973: The last American ground troops leave Vietnam.


2004: Latvia and 6 other countries join NATO. (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

 #mangalpandey #sepoymutiny #margaretthomson #rubymurray #vietnam #latvia #nato

Poem for my Mummy (100th post)

Hey Gentle reader, today 29th March 2015, is my Mum's 80th birthday. As a special present to her, and obviously to you the reader, I  have written a special poetic tribute which I have decided to share with the world.



My mummy’s turning 80
born in 1935
shes lived through war and good times
and she is still alive.

Yes Mama is turning 80
starting to slow down
but she keeps smiling anyway
she never seems to frown.

Yes my Mum is turning 80
toast her with a glass of wine
and say "Margaret, you look super, 
not a day over seventy-nine."

      Me                    Me and Fiona         Mum and Honey

Happy Birthday Mum

 Dear Mum,
                As its your special day, I thought I would drop you a line and pay tribute to you here. Its not every day someone turns the grand old age of 80, I had a hard time with 30 and 40.

That's actually a very odd saying,"a grand old age". Its like getting credit for living forever. And I hope you do. Even at the age of 46, I still need my mum from time to time.

Sorry I cannot be with you on your special day but you will be in my head and heart. I will see you next week though and you will eventually get to meet Lena.

Have a fantastic day and we both send you our love.

                                                                             Neil + Lena

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Riga Neighbourhoods 1


Greetings Gentle Reader.
Riga, like most cities is made up of different neighbourhoods. Over the next few months, I want to tell you a bit about these neighbourhoods and give you some insight into the geography and history of this wonderful city.

First up: Mezaparks

Located in the north east of Riga, Mezaparks, or Forest Park, was created in the early 20th century on the shore of Lake Kisezers.

Location of Mežaparks in Riga.

During WW2 it was the location of the Kaiserwald Concentration Camp and many Jews, gypsies, communists and opponents of Nazi rule were murdered in the woods.

Today Mezaparks is one of the wealthier suburbs of Riga has a great many Art Nouveau and newly built villas.

Typical residences of Mežaparks.

Mezaparks is also home to the Riga Zoo and there is also an amusement park that is a popular destination for Riga families during the summer. Every 5 years the park also hosts the Latvia Song and Dance Festival.


 #riga #mezaparks #kaiserwald #rigazoo #latviansonganddancefestival

Shoe shopping

Lena and her mum are in the shoe shop.

I am standing outside.

Nuff said.

Friday, 27 March 2015

Wikipedia game 2

Hey gentle reader, I played the Wikipedia game again tonight see the post below for the rules.


Tonights results take us from a controversial cricket tour to the birthplace of Polish Democracy.

1. The D'Oliveira Affair

Mixed raced South African cricketer Basil D'Oliveira plays for England in South Africa during the 1968-69 tour, leading to political controversy.

2. B.J. Vorster

Prime Minister of South Africa from 1966-1978. Staunch advocate of Apartheid.

3. The Soweto Uprising

16th June 1976- 176 people, mostly students, are killed.

4. The BBC

The British Broadcasting Corporation. The United Kingdom's public service Broadcaster.

5. Persian Language

Language spoken in Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan

6. Soviet Union

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR); a Marxist-Leninist state ruled from Moscow from 1922-1991.

7. Russian 1917 Revolution

The revolution that toppled the Romanov dynasty and established the Bolshevik state.

8. St. Petersburgh

Russia's second largest city with a population of nearly 5 million people.

9. Baltic Sea Ports

There are over 200 ports on the Baltic Sea, including Riga.

10. Gdansk

Port city in Poland; Birthplace of the Solidarity movement.

#basildoliveira #bjvorster #soweto #bbc #persian #ussr #russianrevolution #saintpetersburgh #balticsea #gdansk

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Today in History 25th March

Lets step back in time again gentle reader.

421 - The City of Venice is founded.

1306 - Robert the Bruce is crowned King of Scotland

1920 - Patrick Troughton, actor and the second Doctor Who is born.

1947 - Elton John, Pop-singer songwriter is born.


1949 - 92,000 people are deported by force from Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania by the Soviet authorities to Siberia and other remote Russian locations.

#venice #patricktroughton #doctorwho #robertthebruce #scotland #eltonjohn #balticdeportation

Wednesday Thought 9: Children

Hello Gentle Reader, yes its Wednesday again so here are some thoughts about children.

Too many children in foster care are falling through the cracks. Be a hero, take the time and learn about adoption today.
                                                                                            Bruce Willis

The most important thing a father can do for his children is love their mother.
                                                                       Theodore Hesburgh

It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.
                                                                         Frederick Douglas

All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he has grown up.
                                                                                            Pablo Picasso

Children begin by loving their parents; after a while they judge them; rarely, if ever, do they forgive them.
                                                                              Oscar Wilde

#brucewillis #frederickdouglas #pablopicasso #oscarwilde #theodorehesburgh #children

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

My story, your story, our story?


Hey gentle reader, I know that most of my posts are fun, some might say trivial but now I have an audience. Its time to get serious.

What stops us from doing what we want or becoming what we want to be? Each day we wake up and do the same things day in and day out. When we were young our imaginations gave us new adventures everyday. We have gone from having all the time in the world to just marking time in our diaries and appointment books.

Has freedom given us the life we lead today?
Are we really free?

Food, water and land are things that in the past we had free access to but now they are just commodities to be packaged, marketed and sold by the massive corporations that own our planet.

We listen to the rules and obey them blindly calling it the "Price of Freedom."
We are presented the world from a textbook without experiencing it for ourselves. From an early age, we are told not to be different, to comply or be cast aside from society.
We spend so much time devoted to our job and career we dont spend time devoted to ourselves. Eventually we are to old to work and we die leaving the next generation to repeat the cycle.

We are just fuel, fuel that drives the machine that gives the elite their power. Money is not power, Power is Power. Money is just the tool they use to keep us under control. The corporations gave us jobs and money; we gave them the planet.

Trees are replaced by factories that pollute the rivers with stinking slime.  Factory farming on a massive scale destroys the Earth's balance. People starve in their billions but corporations don't help. There is no profit in saving starving children.

Our world is full of commodities to be bought and sold, but what will happen when the last drinkable water is poisoned and the last breathable air is polluted? We are not destroying the planet......just the life on it.

The food we eat is full of chemicals and designed to be profitable rather that nourishing. The media don't report this because the media is owned by the corporations that sell the products and they want to keep us ignorant.

We give ourselves praise for our civilization, but its only in the last 100 years that women got the vote and black people were treated as equals.Have we humans learned so little from our past that we still strike out with primal aggression. We say we are better than animals; but are we really? 

Violence is not a solution. Future wars will never be won. They will destroy all solutions and possible solutions.
Human beings are so connected with our technology, smart-phones, tablets, the internet itself that we are now completely disconnected with each other. We see extraordinary things on television and the internet but we surround ourselves with the mundane in our day to day lives. We hope that change will come from outside yet are unable or unwilling to change ourselves.

In most elections in our democracies we may just as well flip a coin to choose who to vote for to be Prime Minister or President. Politics has morphed into celebrity and the image is now way more important than the message. These same politicians do not serve us but their corporate masters who fund them into power.

The human race did not endure because it was the fastest or strongest but because it was amazingly inquisitive and it worked together to create a better world. This planet we all share is 4.6 billion years old, as individuals we will be lucky to live for 80. We are just a flash in time but our impact is eternal.

Instead of pulling apart we should come together with the same voice. The internet, social media and yes, even blogs like the one you are reading now, can have a tremendous power for bringing change, Change that can determine the future of our race and our planet.
Yes you can follow the same well beaten path our forebears took; or you can break away and create new more challenging ones. Keep looking at those screens on your phones and laptops, but every now and then, lift your head and take a good look around. When you do it is your future you will see.

Life is not a movie, the script is still being written, by you.

It is my story, your story and our story after all.

#mystory #yourstory #ourstory

Monday, 23 March 2015

5 things I love about Riga...and a couple i hate.

Hello Gentle reader, please forgive my poor keyboarding skills. Earlier on while preparing dinner, I cut my finger and my left index finger now has a plaster covering my ouchy.

I want tonight, if you will indulge me, to tell you a few of the things that I absolutely love about living in Riga. I will also tell you a few of the things that I could do without.

First lets deal with the love

The Architecture: Riga is full of amazing buildings from the medieval splendour of old town to the shiny new buildings such as Swedbank HQ.

https://www.riga.lv/NR/rdonlyres/FD6897CE-DA86-4554-B0B1-98C5331F0C90/331/melng.jpg https://inertiakills.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/img_6065.jpg

The real gems of Riga's architectural splendour are the buildings in what is called the centre. The Art Nouveau buildings as they are called dominate the city and their elaborate decorations have to be seen to be believed. The carving and attention to detail that the craftsmen who built these houses had was amazing.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c8/Immeuble_art_nouveau_(Riga)_(7558514582).jpg http://previews.123rf.com/images/jorisvo/jorisvo0806/jorisvo080600013/3173572-Face-sculpture-detail-on-famous-Jugendstil-Art-Nouveau-house-in-Riga-Latvia-The-house-was-built-in-1-Stock-Photo.jpg http://www.balticblues-events.com/sites/default/files/images/ideas/photos/IMG_1242.JPG

The People. I have met a lot of people since moving to Riga and I have never met a more tolerant, approachable and friendly bunch. I intend to stay in Riga for a long time and if I do eventually leave I think I will miss the people the most.

Latvian Garlic Bread: Yes I admit it, I love these little pieces of bread heaven and I have to get some EVERYWHERE I go.
Great with sour cream (Skabs Krejums) and a pint of lager.

Latvian Beer: I love Latvian beer, there are so many to choose from, my favourite is Valmiermuižas,  although Tervetas, Bauska and Aldaris are all good too.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ru/0/04/Valmiermuizas-alus-logo.jpg http://www.jelgavniekiem.lv/pict/article/9220_medium.jpg http://www.aldaris.lv/assets/upload/userfiles/images/AldarisLogoL.JPG

The Music: I love Latvian folk music, it reminds me a little of Scottish music, they even have their own type of bagpipe. One of the highlights for me since I arrived here was the Song Festival which happens every 5 years. I was lucky enough to have tickets in 2013 and the choral singing by the absolutely massive choir was incredible.

Please click on the link below for a very intense musical treat.

Latvia Song Festival 2013

Now the things I dislike

British Stag Weekenders: Yes I am British but some of the loutish behaviour exhibited by my so called countrymen is just really embarrassing.

The Graffiti; Riga is full of graffiti, even in areas that are well policed. I understand that in some cases graffiti is considered art, but the numpty who wrote "Boom Bap" on the wall opposite my building and in several other locations needs a slap. 

#rigaartnouveau #latvians #riga #latviangarlicbread #valmiermuizas #latviasonganddancefestival #britishstagriga #rigagraffiti

Playing the Wikipedia Game


Hello Gentle Reader, its Monday again woohoo! Another week of fun facts and stuff await you....so lets go.

I occasionally play a game on Wikipedia. So I thought I would play it with you so you can play it yourself.

First go to the Wikipedia home page

Today’s featured article is about Kangana Ranout. She is a Bollywood actress.

Read through the article until you have passed 15 of the blue link words. Click on the 15th and read what it says until you once again reach the 15th blue link word. Keep clicking and repeating until you have done it 10 times. It is interesting to see how one article links to another.

You can change the numbers when you count to make it more interesting.

Today's links  are;

Kangana Ranout. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kangana_Ranaut

Typecasting:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typecasting_%28acting%29
Casting: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casting_%28performing_arts%29
Theatre: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theatre
Athens: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical_Athens
The Age of Pericles: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifth-century_Athens
Thucydides: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thucydides
The Melian Dialogue: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melian_dialogue
The Law of the Jungle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_the_jungle
Stateless Society: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stateless_society

and we end up with:

Clan: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clan


Its entertaining, informative and educational. How else can you link an Indian Bollywood actress to a group of people with the same bloodline?

#wikipedia #clan #kanganaranout #typecasting #theatre #athens #thelawofthejungle

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Muvvers in law


Dear Gentle Reader:  Sometimes I sit here staring at the computer screen with absolutely nothing on my mind, other times I sit here and type away with gay abandon sharing anything that my little brain can conjure up to entertain, inform and educate you.

After all without you, gentle reader, my blog would just be me sitting and spouting off to my hearts content and filling the internet with unread ravings.

Sometimes I look up from the screen and say to Lena, my sweet, beautiful and super intelligent fiance; "What should I write about?"
Most of the time she rolls her eyes, smiles wryly at me and says "Just do what you feel Honey Bunny"

Yes Gentle Reader. She calls me Honey Bunny.

On this occasion, partly because I had just got off the phone with my saintly, silver haired nearly octogenarian mother, she said write about Mother in Laws.

Being from Britain, one thing I have heard a lot of is Mother in law jokes. Most British male comedians of the 70's could reel off thousands of them in a 3 minute stand up routine. To be fair they could also tell racist, sexist or homophobic jokes as well but my task is to examine the cult of the Mother in Law.

I am a divorced man. I have had a mother in law and guess what....she wasn't as bad as you might think. There was the awkward moment where I accidentally flashed her. The look on her pious face when i revealed that I was an atheist. That was f***ing priceless by the way.

On the whole my mother in law and I got on very well, probably as well as any man who is married to a daughter could. Yes she could occasionally get on my nerves but she meant well.

Lena has, on the other hand, never had a mother in law before. My sweet 80 year old (nearly) mum seems to be giving her the screaming Hebee Jeebees. 
She is convinced that my mum, when they meet for the 1st time at Easter, is going to devour her in a single gulp, hair and all.


My future mother in law, Nadezhda, and I have only met once and she has one distinct advantage that means we can never argue. She doesn’t speak English and I don’t speak Russian.

I can hear all the men out there in Blogland wishing that they could be as lucky as me. Sorry boys.

To end and just to prove I'm not as PC as you might think here are a few Mother in Law jokes for you.


#motherinlaw #honeybunny

Lazarus Rising Chapter 5 (part 1)

OK gentle reader, lets get back to the novel, I hope you are enjoying it.

Lazarus heard steps coming up the stairs toward him from below. These were not the steps of a child however. These were the footsteps of men, two of them at least. He stood up beside the bed and took a deep breath.

The key turned in the lock and a fair haired, skinny man in his mid to late 30's, in a dark jacket and trousers entered the room. He was followed by a much older man who looked very official.

"Ahh, my patient" said the younger man.
He held out his hand to him and tentatively Lazarus took it. The man's palm was cool to the touch.
"My name is Alexander Metcalf and I am the village doctor. I must say I am glad you are awake sir. You had us all worried I must say.'
"Thank you for your concern sir, I appreciate your help."

The other man spoke, 'I am Mr. Spring and I act as constable for the village. Can you tell us who you are?"
"No I can't" Lazarus admitted, "I lost my memory after Waterloo and it has still not returned."
"Memory loss; is that possible Doctor?" the constable asked.
"Yes Constable, if the trauma to the head or body is very severe, it is very likely that the brain may have been affected."
"My memories are in there somewhere, but I cannot access them. I only see them in dreams or visions. The man who saved my life and nursed me back to health called me Lazarus. It's as good a name as any."
"Your friend had a sense of humour at least" the doctor said.
"Do you think this Lazarus is dangerous Doctor?" Spring asked.
"No, just a wounded soldier, Constable. I think we are safe in our beds."
The Constable turned back to Lazarus, "I'm sorry that I was so suspicious Mr Lazarus. My eldest son died at Talavera and any soldier of Wellington's army is welcome here."
"You have nothing to apologize for Constable. I would have been suspicious of me too."
"Can you tell us why you came to Stelling Minnis?" Spring asked Lazarus.
"I saw the name in a dream." Lazarus explained. "As I said, I see things in visions."
"Why were you at the churchyard?"
"As I said before, Mr Spring, I had a vision and the church and the Virgin Mary statue were part of it. I don't even know who the people are whose names are on the gravestone."
"The Foxworth's" said the doctor. 'Mrs Foxworth died when I was at Oxford doing my medical training. I never really knew her but my father did. He was the doctor here before me."
"Mr Foxworth died just a few months ago" Mr Spring added.
"Yes a terrible accident. He fell down the steps at the back of the house" the young doctor started, 'He had been drinking quite heavily and slipped. Broke his neck poor man."
"I just wish I could remember why they are so important."
"Give yourself time Lazarus" the doctor said. "Rest, relax and if Stelling Minnis is important to you; your memories will return."

Spring turned to the doctor, "If everything is well here, I need to return to my duties."
"Yes Mr Spring, I don't believe Mr Lazarus is dangerous, thank you for your assistance."
"Yes Constable" Lazarus said, "Thank you."
"Take care of yourself" the constable said and he left the room and shut the door behind him.

"How are you feeling? the doctor asked.
"Better thank you." Lazarus replied. He glanced to the window and saw again the house that had made him feel so strange.

"Tell me doctor, whose house is that?"
"That's the Foxworth house. George married into the family that owned the house before and when his wife's father died, he inherited the estate."
"I know the house but I have never seen it in a vision or dream."
"Don't worry about it now my friend." The doctor reassured him. "Maybe, if you are feeling better, you should put on some clean clothes and come downstairs and meet my wife."
He pointed to a dresser in the corner of the room.
"The clothes are old but they should fit you."
"Thank you again for your kindness Doctor Metcalf."
"Please, call me Alexander."
"Thank you Alexander."

The doctor turned and left the room, leaving Lazarus alone.

Lazarus sat back down on the bed and glanced out of the window towards the house in the trees. Although the doctor seemed friendly enough, he still couldn't trust anything anyone said. He was surrounded by people but he was completely alone.

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Today in History 21st March

Hello gentle time travelers, Let us once again delve into the pot luck bag of time and see what goodies we can pull out.

1857: A massive Earthquake hits Tokyo killing over 100,000 people.

1933, The building of Dachau, the first Nazi concentration camp is completed.

1962: Matthew Broderick, star of Ferris Beuller's Day off is born.


1980: The Dallas episode "A House Divided" is broadcast on US television. This episode led to 8 months of fevered speculation as to "Who shot J.R?"


2006: Twitter is founded

#tokyo #earthquake #dachau #ferrisbeuller #matthewbroderick #whoshotjr #dallas #twitter