Tuesday 10 March 2015


In the UK and around the world many people debate which is better, US TV drama or British. In the past British television was always seen as superior to the American imports. For the last 15 years or so however, American TV shows have taken the lead when it comes to quality, longevity and entertainment.
One of the reasons for this is the emergence of the «box-set» viewers who buy the latest series and watch an entire series in a weekend either on DVD or online.
Pay per view channels in the US such as HBO and Showtime have taken over from mainstream channels to produce high quality, mesmerizing dramas that continue to push the envelope.
Every year, a new TV show becomes, «The One to Watch». Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones and Boardwalk Empire have all become THE show.
United Kingdom TV shows such as Doctor Who, Broadchurch, Downtown Abbey and Sherlock have taken the US By storm with massive viewing figures. Unfortunately, from the British perspective, the traffic seems to be mostly in one direction with new American shows dominating UK schedules.
Personally I like the American shows, sometimes the British ones, Doctor Who and Sherlock aside, seem a bit twee, pantomimey or painfully sympathetic like Ask the Midwife.

So in honour of the American TV shows that i and the world love here is my Top Ten US TV shows of the 21st Century.
  1. Game of Thrones
  2. Lost
  3. The Wire
  4. The Walking Dead
  5. Dexter
  6. 24
  7. Boardwalk Empire
  8. Breaking Bad
  9. The Sopranos
  10. Mad Men
    Please comment on the Blog if you agree or disagree with my choices.

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