Monday 23 March 2015

5 things I love about Riga...and a couple i hate.

Hello Gentle reader, please forgive my poor keyboarding skills. Earlier on while preparing dinner, I cut my finger and my left index finger now has a plaster covering my ouchy.

I want tonight, if you will indulge me, to tell you a few of the things that I absolutely love about living in Riga. I will also tell you a few of the things that I could do without.

First lets deal with the love

The Architecture: Riga is full of amazing buildings from the medieval splendour of old town to the shiny new buildings such as Swedbank HQ.

The real gems of Riga's architectural splendour are the buildings in what is called the centre. The Art Nouveau buildings as they are called dominate the city and their elaborate decorations have to be seen to be believed. The carving and attention to detail that the craftsmen who built these houses had was amazing.

The People. I have met a lot of people since moving to Riga and I have never met a more tolerant, approachable and friendly bunch. I intend to stay in Riga for a long time and if I do eventually leave I think I will miss the people the most.

Latvian Garlic Bread: Yes I admit it, I love these little pieces of bread heaven and I have to get some EVERYWHERE I go.
Great with sour cream (Skabs Krejums) and a pint of lager.

Latvian Beer: I love Latvian beer, there are so many to choose from, my favourite is Valmiermuižas,  although Tervetas, Bauska and Aldaris are all good too.

The Music: I love Latvian folk music, it reminds me a little of Scottish music, they even have their own type of bagpipe. One of the highlights for me since I arrived here was the Song Festival which happens every 5 years. I was lucky enough to have tickets in 2013 and the choral singing by the absolutely massive choir was incredible.

Please click on the link below for a very intense musical treat.

Latvia Song Festival 2013

Now the things I dislike

British Stag Weekenders: Yes I am British but some of the loutish behaviour exhibited by my so called countrymen is just really embarrassing.

The Graffiti; Riga is full of graffiti, even in areas that are well policed. I understand that in some cases graffiti is considered art, but the numpty who wrote "Boom Bap" on the wall opposite my building and in several other locations needs a slap. 

#rigaartnouveau #latvians #riga #latviangarlicbread #valmiermuizas #latviasonganddancefestival #britishstagriga #rigagraffiti

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