Wednesday 8 April 2015

Lazarus Rising Chapter 5 part 3

The handle on the kitchen door rattled as it opened and the doctor came walking into the room.
"Father!" Samuel shouted with excitement, "I am to be Mr. Lazarus' guide so he can explore the village."
"That's excellent news" his father said.
He walked over to his son and gave him a hug, He then walked over to his wife and kissed her on the cheek.
"Sorry I was so long my dear. There is quite some commotion up at the Foxworth house."
"Samuel has already told us all about it, hasn't he Mr. Lazarus?"
"Yes, he seemed quite excited at the prospect of someone moving in." Lazarus confirmed.
"Well its sat empty since Mr. Foxworth died. A solicitor from London has been looking after the estate, but it looks like he has finally succeeded in his task."
"Which was?" asked Lazarus.
"Well, because old George left no last will and testament, and his son has not been seen for over 12 years, there are, or were, major issues as to who inherits. It looks like Mr. Quill, the solicitor, has finally found someone who can inherit the house."
"Don't forget the fortune" his wife added, "Poor old George was worth a pretty penny."
"Yes" the doctor continued, "he made his money through the damnable slave trade. The word was that he was one of the richest men in England."

Suddenly Elizabeth exclaimed, "OH my Lord! Will you look at the time. We will be late for church. Move yourselves, lets go."
She pulled off her apron, grabbed a shawl and was out of the door even before Lazarus could stand up.
"Come my friend" the doctor said. "We can talk more later."
Lazarus, Alexander and Samuel followed Elizabeth out of the house,

The church of St. Mary's was built in the 13th century. Its small tower meant that it was not as imposing as some churches bur it did still dominate the village. The grey flint walls were typically Kentish in their construction and they seemed to help the beautiful stained glass of the main window stand out even more.
As Lazarus and the Metcalf's approached the church, Lazarus glanced over again to the Virgin Mary statue on the tomb. A shiver ran down his back and Samuel noticed his discomfort.
"Are you alright Mr. Lazarus?
"I'm fine" he lied. It actually felt like someone had walked over his grave.
Lazarus could see that a large crowd of people had gathered outside the church and the level of conversation seemed very loud and excitable. The minister, a thin, tall man with bony fingers and sharp facial features saw Alexander as they approached and rushed up to meet them.
"Ah Alexander finally" he said excitedly. "I am so glad you could come today. Something wonderful has happened. Oh happy, happy day."
What is it Reverend? What's going on?"
"Just as in the bible; a prodigal has returned."
The crowd parted to reveal an elegantly dressed man in his late 20's. He had short, neatly trimmed hair which was light brown in colour. He had a small but nasty looking scar on his left cheek, but this did not diminish his handsomeness. He walked up to the doctor and shook his hand, then Elizabeth's and finally Samuel's before looking up at Lazarus. He could not be sure but it seemed that the villages other new arrival looked distinctly uncomfortable at the sight of him.
"Pleased  to meet you all" he said with a very proper and polite accent. "Sorry to have caused so much fuss. I am afraid my homecoming has caused a large amount of hysteria. I was hoping it would be quieter."
"I'm sorry" Alexander began, "but who are you?"
"Oh my goodness, terribly sorry, should have introduced myself first. My name is Robert Foxworth."

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